Monday 26 December 2016


     Retail locations have three types of places that can be take place for retailers in order to build their own retail store. Shopping centres divided into two types such as strip shopping centers and shopping malls, city or town locations such at the inner city or main street, free standing sites and other location opportunities.

             There are a few elements in retail mix that are important in order to choose the best location strategy. These are the customer service, store display and design, communication mix, pricing and merchandise assortment. 

There are many types of shopping malls that retailers have to identify in order to choose the best retail location. For example, Regional centers, superregional centers, lifestyle centers, and others based on the figure above. 

However, the retailers also need to get ready in order to face the problem of the regional mall if this place was chosen. The problems are competition from alternative which there are more convenient locations located. Besides, the place also focus more on apparel. So, retailer need to compete in term of apparel sales. Moreover, the demographic shifts also occur at that place. So, the retailer need to target customers better in order to maintain the sales or customer loyalty.

In addition, the retailers also need to take care of some environmental issues in retail locations. These are to avoid the problem occur in the future. First, the issues of the above ground risk such as the asbestos that containing the materials or lead pipes in construction which can make people and building in danger. Besides, the hazardous materials such as dry cleaning chemicals, motor oil that have been stored in the ground are not safe for people go around the place. So, these issues need to always considered by the retailers itself in order to choose the best and safest location for retailing.

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