Monday 26 December 2016


There are a few steps that retailers have to follow in order to select the best site for the retail store.

Step 1: Investigate alternative trading areas.
Step 2: Determine what type of location is desirable

A few types of locations available to a retailer such as isolated stores, unplanned business districts, and planned shopping centers.

Isolated Stores
          No direct competition
          Low rental costs
          Good for convenience stores
          High visibility
          Adaptable facilities
          Easy parking
          Excellent for store that generates own traffic

          Difficulty attracting customers
          Travel distance
          Lack of cumulative attraction for customers
          High advertising expenses
          No cost sharing for promotions
          Possibly restrictive zoning laws

For examples of isolated stores, large-store formats such as Wal-Mart and convenience store such as  7-Eleven. 

Unplanned Business Districts
  •        Central Business
  •       Secondary Business District
  •       Neighborhood Business District
  •      String

1.    Times Square

2.    Unplanned Business Districts and Isolated Locations

Planned Shopping Centers
·         Well-rounded assortments
·         Strong suburban population
·         One-stop, family shopping
·         Cost sharing of promotions
·         Transportation access
·         Pedestrian traffic
·         Limited flexibility
·         Higher rent
·         Restricted product offerings in lease
·         Competition
·         Requirements for association memberships
·         Domination by anchor stores
·         Impact of store closings on affinities

Macy’s and Shopping Centers

          Step 3: Select the general location. This can be select from these two location.

One-hundred percent location
The optimum site for a particular store

          Step 4: Evaluate alternative specific store sites

Figure 10-7: Location/Site Evaluation Checklist

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