Monday 26 December 2016


The Figure below shows the process in organizing a retail firm. 

Figure 11-2: The Process of
Organizing a Retail Firm
          To examine the various organizational arrangements utilized in retailing

Figure 11-3: Division of Tasks in a
Distribution Channel

Figure 11-6: Organization Structures Used by Small Independents
Mazur Plan:
Ø  Merchandising—buying/selling, stock planning,
Ø  Publicity—displays, event planning, advertising research
Ø  Store management—customer service, merchandise protection, receiving
Ø  Accounting and control—credit, expense budgeting, inventory management

In order to consider the special human resource environment of retailing, the  Human Resource Management 
in Retailing need to play the important role in recruiting, selecting, training, compensating and supervising. However, there the principles and practices involved with the human resource management process in retailing. First, the women in retailing. This is regarding the issues to address with regard to female workers. the retailers can provide the training programs and fex time such as the ability of employees to adapt their hours. These ways have beed done by the retailing empires such as Mary Kay and Avon.

Besides, the minorities in retailing also important this issues to address with regard to minority workers. This is to clear policy statements from top management as to the value of employee diversity. For example, the retailers can provide the training programs and advancement opportunities.

Lastly, the retailers also need to consider the labor law considerations. Retailers have not to hire underage workers, pay workers “off the books”, discriminate in hiring or promoting workers or violate worker safety regulations. These are some of ethical conducts that need to followed by the retailers. 

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